Non Automobile DWI
A Non Automobile DWI can happen in any type of motorized vehicle. You could be charged with a non-automobile DWI from driving Go cart, moped or even a riding mower while intoxicated. If the device you are driving has a motor, it is considered a motor vehicle. You can be charged with a Non-automobile DWI in New York if you drink too much and drive; even if you’re not operating a car or truck. Understanding the laws, potential penalties, and your defense strategies and possible outcomes of a Non-automobile DWI can be challenging without the proper DWI defense attorney.
If you are caught drinking and driving any of these motorized vehicles in New York State, you can be charged with a Non-Automobile DWI (partial listing of non-automobiles):
- Motorcycle
- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV)
- Quad
- Golf Cart
- Scooter
- Mini-Bike
- Snowmobile
- Electric Wheel Chair
- Riding Mower
- Go Kart
If you or a loved one has been charged in New York with driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving while ability impaired (DWAI), you need a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer. We have successfully handled misdemeanor and felony DWI cases. We have also represented those charged with chemical test refusals (e.g. refusing to give a breath, blood or urine sample) both in the courts and at DMV hearings. Our lawyers have assisted countless people in obtaining hardship driver licenses and conditional driver licenses.
Abogado de inmigracion
¿Detenido? 1-800-488-6734
Nuestros abogados lo ayudarán con testamentos, sucesiones, fideicomisos, defensa penal, bancarrota, defensa de ejecución hipotecaria, Abogado de lesiones personales, Abogado de bancarrota
We strive to protect our clients by creating effective strategic defenses for clients charged with:
- DWI Felony
- Commercial DWI
- DWI with a non-automobile
- BWI (boating while intoxicated)
- DWI and DWAI Vehicular Manslaughter
- Aggravated DWI
- DWI Under age 21
- DWI probation
- DWI with injury
The penalty for a first-time conviction includes:
- Up to one year in jail.
- A fine of $1,000-$2,500.
- A misdemeanor criminal conviction.
- Three-year probation period.
- Automatic one-year driver license revocation.
- A surcharge of $395 ($400 in a town or village court).
- Requirement to install and maintain an ignition interlock device on all vehicles you operate.
Being charged with driving while intoxicated, whether classed as a felony or as a misdemeanor, is a very frightening experience. In addition to the possibility of jail and steep fines, those charged with driving while intoxicated also face the possibility of having a criminal record, having their driver’s license suspended or revoked, and other serious consequences. Our attorneys have helped those faced with DWI or DWAI offenses throughout New York and Long Island. We have DWI and DWAI criminal defense lawyers standing by and ready to help you. If you have refused to take a Breath or Blood Tests or you are a victim of DWI Police misconduct; we can help defend your legal rights.
The attorneys at The Law Offices of CHRISTINE THEA RUBINSTEIN and Associates are committed to forming a vigorous defense on behalf of individuals who stand accused of such crimes as DWI or DWAI.
At the Law Offices of CHRISTINE THEA RUBINSTEIN and Associates, we understand that no two cases are alike. The lawyers at The Law Offices of CHRISTINE THEA RUBINSTEIN and Associates, have many years of experience handling DWI cases. The attorneys at the law offices of CHRISTINE THEA RUBINSTEIN and Associates can help you navigate through the DWI criminal defense process, and make it easily manageable in your time of need. Our attorneys are not only trained in handling simple DWI or DWAI matters, we take care of complex DWI defense litigation in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Queens County, Bronx, Westchester, Richmond County, Manhattan and Brooklyn Kings County New York.
If you, or a loved one, have been charged with driving while intoxicated, or driving while ability impaired, in the state of New York do yourself a favor and call our experienced criminal defense lawyers for a free consultation at 1-800-488-6734 or visit us online. We will use our experience, knowledge, aggressiveness and tenaciousness to get you the best possible results. Our lawyers offer reasonable rates, payment plans, and accept all major credit cards.
Effective Legal Assistance
Get the Help You Need from a DWI & DWAI Defense Nassau County and Suffolk County Lawyer in New York
The Law Offices of CHRISTINE THEA RUBINSTEIN and Associates offer professional assistance to help anyone charged with a felony to fight back. We understand that a DWI or DWAI conviction threatens your life, your freedom and your future. To schedule a free 30-minute consultation with one of our attorneys, contact us by phone at 1-800-488-6734.
We like to start every case the same way: by listening to all the facts. We sit down with you (and your witnesses) to hear exactly what happened. The police and the accusers are going to have their story. We’ll be presenting yours. So we want to start by hearing and understanding your side of it.
Call us at 1-(800) 488-6734 or email us to schedule a consultation to see if we’re the right New York DWI & DWAI defense lawyers for you.
We are dedicated to your success — so contact us today. Speak with one of our knowledgeable Long Island criminal defense litigation attorneys today from wherever you are in New York in Nassau and Suffolk, Brooklyn, Kings and Queens Counties, on Long Island and all New York City boroughs including Bronx, Westchester, Richmond County, and Manhattan.
Call 1-800-488-6734
Get Help With Your Legal Case Now
You should be properly prepared if you are facing criminal charges. You should know that you have certain legal rights and you must be very selective of the Lawyer and Law Firm that you chose to represent you. Have an Attorney council you on the Right Decision for you. We have DWI and DWAI criminal defense lawyers standing by and ready to help you.